Get Involved

St John Vianney's Primary believes in parents becoming fully involved in the life of the school.

We believe it helps to develop strong links and bonds between home and school.

There are many ways parents can get involved in our school. Some of these include:

  • attending morning assembly
  • attending the Term 1 parent information evening
  • attending curriculum and reporting information sessions
  • participating in parents and friends association meetings
  • attending parent/teacher conferences
  • fundraising
  • helping in the oral comprehension program
  • attending and helping during sport days and excursions
  • participating in the Transition to School program
  • supporting sausage sizzles; and cake, ice block and fruit stalls
  • celebrating with our community at various assemblies and liturgies
  • presenting information at the Kindergarten information evening.





Start the Volunteer and Contractor Training

Volunteer Training

We welcome the contribution volunteers make to the life of our school.

As we are committed to keeping students safe, all volunteers in schools are required to complete the building child safe communities undertaking form and child protection training module before volunteering. These checks reduce potential risk and forms part of our strategy to build child safe communities.

Start Your Online Training